Method description

Basic Definitions


  • $G = \{ g_1, g_2, \ldots, g_N \}$: the annotated entities (e.g. ENTREZ genes)
  • $O = \{ o_1, o_2, \ldots, o_M \}$: the entities observed in the experiments (e.g. protein groups)
  • $\mathrm{obs}: G \mapsto O$: the function that maps annotated entities to the observed ones; $\forall o \in O$ $\exists \mathrm{obs}^{-1}(o) \subset G$ (an observed entity may refer to several annotated ones)
  • $\mathcal{A} = \{ A_1, A_2, \ldots, A_{N_T} \}$: the collection of annotation terms, $A_i \subset G$
  • $\mathcal{X} = \{ X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_{M_X} \}$: the collection of experiment hits (e.g. significantly regulated proteins), $X_j \subset O$
  • $C = \{ c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_{N_T} \}$, $0 \leq c_i \leq 1$: weighted cover of the experiment hits, where $c_i$ defines the probability to use the annotation term $A_i$ for the cover (if $c_i = 0$, the term $A_i$ is never used; if $c_i = 1$, it is always in the cover)
  • $P_{\mathrm{FET}}(A, H, \mathrm{All}) = P(X \geq N_{A\cap H})$, where $X \propto \mathrm{Hypergeomtetric}(N_{A}, N_{H}, N_{\mathrm{All}})$ – the $P$-value of the Fisher's Exact Test that the overlap of the sets $A \subset \mathrm{All}$ (e.g. annotation term) and $H \subset \mathrm{All}$ (e.g. hits) is significant
Figure: Basic definitions

Cover quality

The method works by defining the cover quality $q(C, \mathcal{X})$ of how well the selected terms ($C$) cover the experiment hits ($\mathcal{X}$). Since some aspects of cover quality could not be simultaneously satisfied (e.g. using as few annotation terms as possible vs covering all hits), the score $q$ is composed of several components, and multi-objective optimization is employed to find the family of optimal covers.

More specifically, $q = (q_e, q_r, q_u, q_c)$, where

  • $q_e$: enrichment score, measures how much the cover terms are enriched within the experiment hits (across all experiments)
  • $q_r$: redundancy score, penalizes for the presence of redundant terms in the cover
  • $q_u$: hits cover score, measures how well individual hits are covered by $C$
  • $q_c$: non-hits cover score, penalizes for covering observed entities that are not hits

Enrichment score

\[q_e(C, \mathcal{X}) = \sum_{i=1}^{N_T} c_i L(A_i, O) E(\mathrm{obs}(A_i), \mathcal{X}),\]

where $L(A_i, O)$ is the relevance of the term $A_i$ with respect to the observable elements $O$, and $E(\mathrm{obs}(A_i), \mathcal{X})$ is the overall enrichment of $A_i$ in the experiment hits $\mathcal{X}$.

Relevance component allows to prioritize the annotation terms that are better represented among the observed entities, but otherwise have the same enrichment as less represented ones:

\[L(A, O) = \max(1 - P_{\mathrm{FET}}(A, \mathrm{obs}^{-1}(O), G), L_{\min})^{\beta_R}.\]

The relevance score quickly approaches $1$, when the representation of the term among all observed genes is significant. $L_{\min} \in [0, 1]$ controls that the terms don't get overpenalized due to low representation. For more practical discussion, see "Set relevance" section.

The enrichment component is defined as

\[E(Y, \mathcal{X}) = \epsilon - \sum_j^{M_X} \alpha^{(j-1)} \left(- \log P_{\mathrm{FET}}(Y, X_{i_j}, O)\right)^{\beta},\]

where $\epsilon \ge 0$ is the penalty for including arbitrary term into a cover; $i_1$, $i_2$, $\ldots$, $i_{M_X}$ is the permutation of $1$, $2$, $\ldots$, $M_X$ that orders the hits $\mathcal{X}$ by the significance of their overlap with $Y$ (from most to least significant); $\alpha \in (0, 1]$ is the enrichment discount, and $\beta > 0$ is the enrichment shape.

The discount parameter $\alpha$ is important for complex data ($M_X \gg 1$). It allows terms that are very significant, but only in a few conditions, be preferred over the terms that are moderately represented in most conditions. The lower is $\alpha$, the more enrichment score favors condition-specific terms.

The enrichment shape parameter $\beta$ affects the size of the selected annotation terms. For small $\beta$ the method would prefer several smaller and more specific terms over the single one that combines multiple small terms.

Redundancy score

\[q_r(C) = \sum_{i=1}^{N_T} \sum_{j=1}^{N_T} \min(c_i, c_j) R(\mathrm{obs}(A_i), \mathrm{obs}(A_j)),\]

where $R(\mathrm{obs}(A_i), \mathrm{obs}(A_j))$ measures the redundancy of observed entities from $A_i$ and $A_j$ annotation terms as the enrichment of one term in their union:

\[R(B_i, B_j) = -\left( -\log \min \left( P_{\mathrm{FET}}(B_i, B_i \cup B_j, N_O (1 + \Delta)), P_{\mathrm{FET}}(B_j, B_i \cup B_j, N_O (1 + \Delta)) \right)\right)^\beta,\]

where $\Delta N_O \ge 0$ is added to keep the overlap significant for very large annotation terms that are comparable in size to the set of all observed genes $O$.

Hits cover scores

$q_u$ counts how many hit entities were not covered by the selected terms:

\[q_u(C, \mathcal{X}) = \sum_{o \in \cup_i X_i} \left(1 - \max_{j \in С(o)} c_j\right),\]

where $С(o)$ is the set of all indices $j$, s.t. $o \in \mathrm{obs}(A_j)$.

Similarly, $q_c$ counts how many non-hit observations in each experiment are covered by the selected terms:

\[q_c(C, \mathcal{X}) = \sum_{i=1}^{M_X} \sum_{o \in O\setminus X_i} \max_{j \in С(o)} c_j.\]

Optimal covers

With $q = (q_e, q_u, q_c, q_r)$ cover quality defined, one can consider the multi-objective optimization problem of finding the Pareto-optimal family of covers $\mathcal{C}_{*} = \{ C_{*, 1}, C_{*, 2}, \ldots \}$:

\[\forall C \not\in \mathcal{C}_{*} \;\exists C_{*} \in \mathcal{C}_{*}: q_e(C_*) \leq q_e(C), q_r(C_*) \leq q_r(C), q_u(C_*) \leq q_u(C_*), q_c(C_*) \leq q_c(C),\]

and at least for one of the $q$ components the inequality is strict.

The resulting Pareto front $\mathcal{C}_{*}$ will contain: the covers with minimally redundant but less enriched terms, very redundant covers of more enriched terms, as well as intermediate solutions between these extremes. It's possible to weight the importance of individual quality components ($w_e = 1$, $w_r > 0$, $w_u \ge 0$, $w_c \ge 0$) to identify the unique optimal cover $C_{*, \Sigma} \in \mathcal{C}_{*}$ that minimizes the components weighted sum:

\[q_{\Sigma}(C) = q_e(C) + w_r q_r(C) + w_u q_u(C) + w_c q_c(C) \to \min, \quad C \in \mathcal{C}_{*}.\]

Components convolution

The number of points on the approximated 4-objective Pareto front is $O(\frac{1}{\delta^{(4-1)}})$, where $\delta > 0$ is the grid step in the multi-objective space. The maintenance of such front creates significant overhead during optimization. However, as the components $q_u$ and $q_c$ correlate with the enrichment component $q_e$, they could be convoluted with the $q_e$:

\[\tilde{q}_e = q_e + w_u q_u + w_c q_c,\]

or omitted altogether by setting $w_u = w_c = 0$. The optimization of the simplified 2-objective $(\tilde{q}_e, q_r)$ problem would require much less resources. The corresponding Pareto front would essentially show the trade-offs between the annotation terms enrichment $\tilde{q}_e$ and their redundancy $q_r$. One can define the redunancy index $k_r$ as

\[k_r(C) = \frac{q_r(C)}{-\tilde{q}_e(C)}.\]

High $k_r(C)$ means the terms in the cover $C$ are redundant. In practice, covers with $k_r(C) \gg 1$, although marginally improving $q_e$, do not reveal any new patterns in the data. To improve the optimization efficiency, it's possible to use the modified cover score $\tilde{q}$, so that the covers with high $k_r$ become dominated by less redundant covers, and thus keep only the relevant solutions on the Pareto front:

\[\tilde{q} = \left(\tilde{q}_e + w_r t q_r, (1 - t) q_r \right),\;\text{where}\\ t = \frac{1}{k_r} \left(w_r + \exp\left(s^{-1} - s\right)\right)^{-1}, \quad s = \alpha_k \max(k_r - k_{\max}, 0),\]

$k_{\max}$ is the maximal accepted redundancy index (by default the method uses $k_{\max} = 1$), and $\alpha_k > 0$ defines the transformation strength. With this definition, when $k_r(C) \leq k_{\max}$, then $s = 0$, $t = 0$, and both score components are unchanged: $\tilde{q} = (\tilde{q}_e, q_r)$. When $k_r(C) \gg k_{\max}$, i.e. when the redundancy of the cover is very high, $t \approx \frac{1}{k_r w_r} = \frac{-\tilde{q}_e}{w_r q_r}$, and $\tilde{q} \approx (0, q_r + \frac{\tilde{q}_e}{w_r})$. The latter solution is dominated by any less redundant cover. Also note that, for any $C$, $\tilde{q}_1 + w_r \tilde{q}_2 = q_{\Sigma}$, so this transformation preserves the optimal cover $C_{*,\Sigma}$ that minimizes $q_{\Sigma}(C)$.